
University Education - Overseas Students

The UK education system has a remarkable reputation for its high quality and standards.

Graduates from universities in the UK thrive in their areas of expertise, achieving global recognition for exceptional work. London is considered to be the capital city of higher education, with four universities in London ranked in the World’s top 10. London has the highest number of top worldwide universities per city.

In the UK, students go to university after successfully passing a standard examination (taken after completion of studies at the high school level), making them eligible to proceed to higher education. The difference between college and university in the UK is quite distinctive. When students go to college, they go there for further education to prepare them to earn a degree. Then they can go to University (a licensed higher education institution) to gain their degree.

In Hong Kong, higher education is simply education above the secondary school level, including professional, technical, and academic.

Studying in the UK as an international student

Because Hong Kong is not in the European Economic Area, students hoping to study at universities in the UK must acquire a student visa. You will also need money to finance your stay in the UK during your studies. During visa application, you are required to provide proof that you have money to cover your course tuition and other expenses. There is also the British National Overseas visa that allows people in Hong Kong and their immediate family to work, study, and live in the UK. Most undergraduate education in the UK is state-financed with some top-up fees to cover the cost. Buckingham and BPP University College are not state-financed.

Most prestigious universities in the UK

The Russell Group, a network of 24 British public research universities, has some of the most prestigious universities in the UK. These universities are:

1.     University of Birmingham

2.     University of Bristol

3.     University of Cambridge

4.     Cardiff University

5.     Durham University

6.     University of Edinburgh

7.     University of Exeter

8.     University of Glasgow

9.     Imperial College London

10.  King’s College London

11.  University of Leeds

12.  University of Liverpool

13.  London School of Economics and Political Science

14.  University of Manchester

15.  Newcastle University

16.  University of Nottingham

17.  University of Oxford

18.  Queen Mary University of London

19.  Queen’s University Belfast

20.  University of Sheffield

21.  University of Southampton

22.  University of Warwick

23.  University College London

24.  University of York

Benefits of studying in the UK

Education in the UK provides students with the skills and knowledge to create a dynamic economy, build stronger communities, and create a better future for numerous communities worldwide. 32% of international students attending Russell Group universities go there for quality, relevance, and reputation. The outstanding learning experience and unrivaled links to UK and international business and public sectors will ensure that your children have influence and status in the community.

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